Spiritual Awakening: Embrace Joy in the Present | Stephan Bodian

Embark on a journey of spiritual awakening, discovering the delight of this present moment. In a world seemingly at a standstill, with routines disrupted and uncertainties looming over humanity, there exists an opportunity for profound transformation. As you set aside the mind's unsettling narratives, guided by a spiritual teacher, perhaps one like Stephan Bodian, explore the depths within.

Consider joining a school for awakening to deepen your understanding and practice. In this moment, shift your awareness from the busy mind to the stillness within the body, appreciating the play of sensations and the rhythm of breath. Delve into the realms of inherent wakefulness as you expand your awareness to embrace the full range of sensations, both internal and external.

Recognize the boundless, timeless nature of the awareness from which sensations arise. This awareness, welcoming and undisturbed, remains unperturbed by challenges that may have felt insurmountable just moments ago. Survey your surroundings with the eyes of spiritual awakening.

In the inexpressible completeness and mystery of this very moment, without judgment or interpretation, realize the profound joy of simply Being. There is no place to rush to, no problems demanding urgent solutions, no pandemic to combat, no threats to evade—just the ever-present reality of this, realizing the joy of this moment right now.

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